Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Salt Lake City/Maple Canyon

On Friday we headed into Salt Lake City to spend some time in civilization. It was fun to spend the day shopping and exploring the city. On Saturday we went to the farmers market which was the largest farmers market we have ever been to. After the market on Saturday we met up with our friends Chris and Yelena. Chris and Yelena just moved out to SLC from Cincinnati this summer and were so generous in showing us the bouldering in Little Cottonwood Canyon and letting us stay with them for the weekend. Thanks so much! 

We left Salt Lake on Monday morning and headed to Maple Canyon which is 2 hours south of the city. The climbing is really unique in Maple because the rock is conglomerate, it consists of thousands of cobbles cemented together, which makes for fantastic, steep climbing. The fall color in the canyon is coming out in full force making Maple a beautiful spot to climb!


  1. So beautiful! The upside down pic of Nick,,, what, is he a spider??? Loved the swing pic of you:)

  2. Nick, shave it off and try again. That is NOT, I repeat, NOT, a good look.

  3. Stunning photos! Thanks for letting us follow along this amazing journey and, yes, we are all so jealous!! ( : Be safe!
